Membership Form

The Canal Zone Study Group (CZSG), with members worldwide, promotes the collecting and study of all aspects of Canal Zone philately and of materials relating to the Canal Zone. It fosters friendship among collectors, disseminates knowledge of Canal Zone philately and aids members in acquiring and/or disposing of philatelic materials.

Members receive The Canal Zone Philatelist, an award-winning quarterly newsletter which features articles on all aspects of Canal Zone collecting and information about activities of the organization.

Members also receive a free copy of handbooks as they are published by the CZSG in the year of their membership. The CZSG is the authoritative source for publications on Canal Zone stamps and postal history. (Back issues of the newsletter and handbooks are available for purchase.)

Members of the CZSG are entitled to sell Canal Zone philatelic material through the CZSG Mail Sales.

Members are eligible to vote in the elections for Officers and Directors of the CZSG.

The CZSG holds frequent meetings of members at regional and national philatelic shows throughout the USA.

The annual Regular Membership dues is only $12.00, Contributing Membership is $24.00, and Sustaining Membership is $35 (or more).

*If you want to send U.S. funds by mail, please use the Printable Version (PDF).

Street Address:
Zip Code:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Referred By:
Please list other philatelic organizations that you are a member of:
Please list other U.S. Possessions and Administrative areas you collect:
Are you a Collector or Dealer? Collector OR Dealer
Are you a New Applicant or Renewal? New Applicant OR Renewal

*When paying online through PayPal, $1 to $2 is added to cover the PayPal fees - prices in red.
Regular Membership - $12.00 a year: 1 Year ($13)
Contributing Membership - $24.00 a year: 1 Year ($25)
Sustaining Membership - $35.00 (or more) a year: 1 Year ($37)
CZSG membership dues can be paid for years in advance with explicit notification to the Secretary.
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*The next page will have a link to make a payment through PayPal.